The Present Voice

I and mine do not convince by arguments, similes, rhymes. We convince by our presence.

A call to the ascent

Let us take the risk.

Let us bear the responsibility. Let us practice the skills necessary to find our present voices. We were created for this. Let us together endeavor to seek the profoundly lived life and conspire to create:

The work

Great theater is by no means an imitation of life, but a reflection of truth. From its ancient conception in Greece, theater had a therapeutic function and was used to heal the soul. And to this day a person comes to the theater to find the truth. Whether for personal or professional development, the methodology of this work

Corporate Presence

Unique coaching for those who seek to become top level executives… For professionals of all fields and levels of experience.

About Molly Caliger

Molly Caliger is a Patsy Rodenburg Associate, leading groups in voice and presence. Using the homeopathy of theater, she gives people tools for effective speaking, meaningful dialogue, and personal healing.